Wednesday, October 1, 2008

An anthropological introduction to YouTube

  • 0:00 Introduction, YouTube's Big Numbers (YouTube as broadcasted over 6.1 million hours of footage in 6 months compared to ABC which has broadcasted only 1.6 million hours over 60 years. Youtube produces 9232 hours of footage a day compared to TV which produces 385. 88% of the content is new and original)
  • 2:00 Numa Numa and the Celebration of Webcams (How a music video spreads across the globe via YouTube which then leads to other users producing content about it with animation and webcams, allows people to express themselves and they can also become famous or a “cyber star”)
  • 5:53 The Machine is Us/ing Us and the New Mediascape (user generated organisation. User generated distribution. After uploading it on YouTube the video gets spread around many sites, showing a integrated mediascape)
  • 12:16 Introducing our Research Team (The research team participate in what they are researching, they most videos and vlogs onto YouTube aswell as analyzing other people videos. Once they have researched it they upload their data onto a database for everyone to see)
  • 12:56 Who is on YouTube? (25% 35+, 25% 12-17, 50% 18 – 24)
  • 13:25 What's on Youtube? Charlie Bit My Finger, Soulja Boy, etc.(Most videos are home videos that are meant meant for less than 100 viewers)
  • 17:04 5% of vids are personal vlogs addressed to the YouTube community, Why? (To create a sense of community within YouTube
  • 17:30 YouTube in context. The loss of community and "networked individualism" (Wellman)
  • 18:41 Cultural Inversion: individualism and community
  • 19:15 Understanding new forms of community through Participant Observation (to learn about something you must participate in it)
  • 21:18 YouTube as a medium for community (When posting a vlog via a webcam on YouTube the up loader does not know who they are being watched by or when they are being watched, which means anyone in the community can access it.)
  • 23:00 Our first vlogs (Posting first vlogs they found that it was awkward and felt like they were talking to no one, but they knew whatever video they posted it would eventually be seen by someone somewhere in the world)

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