- Attainment - 2
- Effort - 2 (I have put alot of effort into my classwork and homework but I think I could make more effort to my homework)
- Punctuality - 3 (I have missed quite a few lessons but I have not been late to a lesson, I try and catch up with missed work. I haven't forgot my media folder or anything else for the lesson but I need to work on my attendance)
- Submission and quality of homework - 2 (I have missed a few lessons but have tried to catch up on missed homework, I think the quality of my homework is good but I could put more effort into it)
- Ability to work independently - 1 (I think I can work idependently quite well and have not had too many problems with homework and classwork)
- Quality of writing - 2 (I think my quality of writing is good but I could use more media terms and write in more detail)
- Organisation of Media folder - 1 (My media folder is organised well, with each topic put in order and arranged by teacher, I have also printed off the lesson powerpoints and put them in my folder)
- Oral contributions in class - 3 (I could contribute abit more in lessons but I am able to answer questiosn with confidence when asked by the teacher)
I have been able to work well idependently
I have enjoyed the course so far
(ebi): I could improve my attendence
I should ask for help when I dont understand something
Complete all homeworks on time